The Real State of the Union

By David A. Black, Sr.

President Obama gave his first State of the Union Address yesterday evening. For the most part, I must say, the speech was far from impressive; just more of the same dribble we have come to expect.

We listened to him attempt to recognize the hardships faced by the middle-class, cite to some letters, or experiences which were personally related to him, as he demonstrates his compassion for the little guy, and then claim he is working diligently to solve the problems of the nation.  I may be too critical, but I thought he ran as a candidate for change.  I thought he promised to shake things up in Washington.  For some reason I seem to recall that he was not going to get caught up in “politics as usual”.

Then why was the content of his speech so predictable?  All we heard was the same old, same old.  The list goes something like this;

  • I understand the problems of America.
  • I inherited a mess that is worse than we expected.
  • I have outlined a plan to solve your problems and the Republicans are fighting us every step of the way.
  • America is tired of “partisan politics”; more is expected from us.
  • Feed the “class envy monster” to keep the societal divisions strong.
  • The American Spirit is strong but the government is not responsive to the needs of the country.
  • It will be expensive, but I am here to fix the nation and blame everyone else for not heeding my advice.

Sound familiar?  We hear the same speech every time President Obama stands up to the teleprompter.  He even went into the standard “rope-a-dope” tactic of trying to identify with his opposition, citing the following points.

  • A need to cut taxes.
  • Comprehending that small business is the backbone of America and is vital in solving the unemployment.
  • Need to allow off-shore drilling.
  • Need to develop nuclear power.
  • Pursue alternate forms of energy but that they need to be profitable instead of just another form of taxation.
  • Institute policies to keep large companies here instead of taxing them into moving to other countries.
  • Seeking more marketing opportunities. (this almost sounds like embracing a free market)
  • Increase the excellence of education instead of rewarding the failures of the NEA.

Of course, President Obama rattling off these points, as reading from a depth chart, only served to highlight that all of these issues, sought by Conservatives for years, is what is right for the country.

However, it was only a feign.  Immediately the President slipped back into his comfort zone, taking on a “never say die” mentality in regards to Health Care Reform, we have a deficit because Bush failed to pay for two wars, and I know I added more than $1 trillion to the deficit, but it was the right thing to do.

This was a nice way to lead into pretending to identify with “average America” that is forced to tighten their belts, by announcing that “like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don’t”.  Therefore, the President is proposing a Congressional Spending Freeze for next year.  Not now, like you cash-strapped families must do.   The President promised to do this next year, after America has forgotten what he said. And besides, cuts to save an estimated $25 billion, which we all know is terribly optimistic, and in no way begins to compare to the $1 trillion he has already added to the deficit.  Do you have any idea what that actually costs the taxpayers after calculating the interest we will pay on the additional spending?

Alright, I cannot go on any further.  I listened to the President attempt to revive his socialistic ideology, refusing to recognize that America is rejecting it.  So, I will take the opportunity here to explain a few points the President and Congress need to figure out, according to me.  Then he can get back to us about truly moving the country forward.

  • This President has increased the deficit by over $1 trillion, and until he assumes absolute transparency, and details how he intends to make his plans work, he is simply trying to spend America into a form of socialism.  If you truly want to help America recover, cut taxes, stop irresponsible, unconstitutional spending, and get out of the way.  Other than that, it is not your job.
  • The President still wants Socialized Health Care and views the recent rejection of it as a “political kink”, just a minor setback.  The fact is, most Americans agree that we need Health Care Reform.  We want affordability, accessibility, transportability, and a true referendum on Tort Reform.  What we do not want is government involvement.  Legislate these four issues, and leave it alone.  Quit trying to use our Health Care as another way to usurp our liberty and assert control.  We are NOT having any part of it.
  • He claims he is persistently trying to keep our country secure from terrorism, while in practice he is behind giving terrorists the protection of Miranda Rights after failed attacks on our citizens.
  • The President claims to support our military, yet he dragged his feet in authorizing additional troops to reinforce those deployed in Afghanistan.

The President does not support our military.  He sees the military as a “social experiment”.  You want proof?  The President said he wants Congress to repeal the law banning openly gay military service.  Anyone who understands the military knows the military is a fighting force, in place to protect our country.  There is no place for open homosexuality within the ranks, just as there is no place for heterosexuality in the military.  The military is NOT a social experiment, it is a protective service provided for the defense of the country.

Now he wants First Lady Michelle Obama along with Jill Biden to forge a national commitment to military families.  The fact that they are to “forge” this commitment identifies it is a new concept to the President.

Most of America has always been committed to our military.  What we want from the Commander in Chief is a clear and definite purpose for the mission he sends our military to accomplish, what constitutes victory, how he intends to be victorious with the least cost of American Lives possible, maintaining an allegiance to those being sent to face a declared enemy, instead of appearing to protect the enemy.

  • The President is quick to announce his willingness to work with other countries through the United Nations.  This makes sense due to his obvious support of subjecting America, and our citizens, to a form of “Global Authority”, regarding environmental policy, thus diminishing our sovereignty as a nation.  What will it take to convince this President that the policies being bantered about, at the UN, are proposals to punish America for our exceptionalism?

What this President, and the Liberals in Congress fail to understand, is that America is truly a sovereign nation of great People.  What makes us great is that we all believe in a common belief, Individual Freedom, established by the Declaration of Independence, and protected by the Constitution of the United States.

America is suffering today, because too few politicians read the Constitution for what it actually says, and instead read it for what they want it to say, or pervert it into something other than that which it was intended.  Modern politicians believe they are elected to legislate “one size fits all solutions” to every issue known to man, while the Constitution was implemented to limit Government to very specific functions.

If the President, and Congress alike, truly want America to succeed, might I suggest they read our founding documents, understand them for what they say, and do it.  Pretty simple, actually.

2 Responses to The Real State of the Union

  1. […] But ya know, throughout his babbling rant, Obama did nothing we have not seen before: follow Saul Alinsky’s teachings and in turn, The Marxist theory of “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”. […]

    The Marxist theory “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” is defined as the use of state power by the working class against its enemies during the passage from a capitalist society to one of communism. This entails state control of the society and thereby the means of production.

    Throughout all of the programs he has foisted upon the American people, every one of them can be shown to further this theory to lesser or greater degrees.

    Obama’s State of Obama Address was nothing more than a reiteration of these principles and either a castigation or holding up to public ridicule of those who stand in his way of the adoption of a Statist society.

  2. Marcie S. says:

    I just saw where Mr. Obama has found $20 Billion that can be cut from the 2010 budget.

    20 whole billion in an almost $4 trillion budget? He must have worked really hard to find that much to cut. What’s that,making Princess Nancy fly commercial coach one time? Such a strain when he could cancel the so-called “Stimlus” package and save the remaining 500 BILLION that has not been spent yet? How about giving the American people some ACTUAL across-the-board tax cuts by ending TARP.

    Get rid of so very many of the tax burdens people and businesses are under. That would increase tax revenue and encourage people to invest and hire again.

    $20 billion in cuts is such a joke when there are so many other places they could cut. Obama can cut a LOT MORE than that if they are actually serious about cutting spending.

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