The 2010 Census – An Endorsement of Socialism

March 22, 2010

By David A. Black, Sr.

The 2010 Census is officially under way.  The ad campaign, costing millions of dollars, for television, cable, and radio ads, and thousands of billboards, paid for by your hard-earned tax money, tells us all to stand and be counted.

Help your community get a fair share.”  They proclaim, urging people to fill out the Census Data Form and return it to the Government.

Get their fair share of what?  I had my fair share until the Government confiscated it through taxation, now they want to pretend to give a portion of it back.

According to a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau, “Results from the 2010 Census will be used to help each community get its fair share of government funds for highways, schools, health offices, and many other programs you and your neighbors need.”

In all fairness, the members of the House and Senate are just doing their job.  The Constitution instructs Congress to collect a direct, heavy, progressive tax from every person in the country.  Then, they are to withhold a sizeable amount of the Gross National Product for financing the cost of running the Government.  Finally, Congress is to disperse the proportionately small amount of remaining money back to the people, disguised as ‘Investing in America’.  Any such investing in the ‘public good’ shall be at the sole discretion of Congress, based on the projected return value of those investments, as realized in the results of polls and elections.

Based on the questions contained in the 2010 Census Questionnaire, two out of ten deals with ethnicity, Congress seems quite concerned about ensuring proper funding of ethnic groups.  Rest assured then, so long as you are of the proper, favored ethnicity, Congress is doing their job and looking out for your best financial interest, in relation to ‘Public Investing’.

Pardon my sarcasm.  Actually, unlike most members of the House and Senate, I’ve read the Constitution.  Article 1, Section 2, later modified by Section 2, of the 14th amendment, calls for representation to be “apportioned among the several States”.  The same paragraph, later superseded by the 16th amendment, calls for the “apportionment of direct Taxes” as well; and thereby calls for a Census to have been performed within three years of the first Meeting of Congress, and every ten years thereafter.

Therefore, according to the Constitution, the Census was intended to be used only for the purpose of apportioning representation in the House, and apportioning direct Taxation among the several States.  There is no mention of using the Census as a means to justify congressional spending.

Think about it.  For the purpose of “apportioned representation” based on the total populations of the several States, does not call for Congress to have any idea of the ethnicity of the populace; they do not need any demographic data as a means to cater to any particular groups.

This means that Congress does not need to know who owns the house I live in, what the genders of any residence are, the actual age of residents, or if a resident has a secondary residence.

Instead, Congress is using the Census to get the American People to endorse the Socialistic practice of ‘redistributing wealth’.  They took away Constitutional apportionment of direct taxation with the 16th amendment, and perverted the use of the Census.

Now, we have a scenario where the government taxes the groups determined by the Census, to be the “haves”, to provide benefits to groups determined as the “have not’s”.  This is known simply as Socialism.

For the record, there are only five questions the Census could ask under the authority of the Constitution.

  1. Verify your address.
  2. How many people live at your address?
  3. How many people, living at your address, are of legal voting age?
  4. How many people, living at your address, are American Indians?
  5. What is your status of residency in the United States?  (Circle one)   Natural Born Citizen   Naturalized Citizen   Legal Resident   Other

As to the cost of the Census, the entire questionnaire, as authorized under the Constitution, would fit on a post card, the cheapest form of U.S. Mail correspondence and would be easily administered by, and reported through, local governments.

It is at this point, I must ask the obvious question; if we, The People, are going to allow the elected members of Government to pervert the intentions of our Founders and the meaning of our Constitution, to what they want it to say, rather than what it actually says, why should we have a Constitution?

Are we truly a nation of Free and Independent People?  Or, are we, The People going to allow the endorsement of Socialism, and idly watch it take root and grow into an uncontrollable despotic dictatorship?

The Real State of the Union

January 29, 2010

By David A. Black, Sr.

President Obama gave his first State of the Union Address yesterday evening. For the most part, I must say, the speech was far from impressive; just more of the same dribble we have come to expect.

We listened to him attempt to recognize the hardships faced by the middle-class, cite to some letters, or experiences which were personally related to him, as he demonstrates his compassion for the little guy, and then claim he is working diligently to solve the problems of the nation.  I may be too critical, but I thought he ran as a candidate for change.  I thought he promised to shake things up in Washington.  For some reason I seem to recall that he was not going to get caught up in “politics as usual”.

Then why was the content of his speech so predictable?  All we heard was the same old, same old.  The list goes something like this;

  • I understand the problems of America.
  • I inherited a mess that is worse than we expected.
  • I have outlined a plan to solve your problems and the Republicans are fighting us every step of the way.
  • America is tired of “partisan politics”; more is expected from us.
  • Feed the “class envy monster” to keep the societal divisions strong.
  • The American Spirit is strong but the government is not responsive to the needs of the country.
  • It will be expensive, but I am here to fix the nation and blame everyone else for not heeding my advice.

Sound familiar?  We hear the same speech every time President Obama stands up to the teleprompter.  He even went into the standard “rope-a-dope” tactic of trying to identify with his opposition, citing the following points.

  • A need to cut taxes.
  • Comprehending that small business is the backbone of America and is vital in solving the unemployment.
  • Need to allow off-shore drilling.
  • Need to develop nuclear power.
  • Pursue alternate forms of energy but that they need to be profitable instead of just another form of taxation.
  • Institute policies to keep large companies here instead of taxing them into moving to other countries.
  • Seeking more marketing opportunities. (this almost sounds like embracing a free market)
  • Increase the excellence of education instead of rewarding the failures of the NEA.

Of course, President Obama rattling off these points, as reading from a depth chart, only served to highlight that all of these issues, sought by Conservatives for years, is what is right for the country.

However, it was only a feign.  Immediately the President slipped back into his comfort zone, taking on a “never say die” mentality in regards to Health Care Reform, we have a deficit because Bush failed to pay for two wars, and I know I added more than $1 trillion to the deficit, but it was the right thing to do.

This was a nice way to lead into pretending to identify with “average America” that is forced to tighten their belts, by announcing that “like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don’t”.  Therefore, the President is proposing a Congressional Spending Freeze for next year.  Not now, like you cash-strapped families must do.   The President promised to do this next year, after America has forgotten what he said. And besides, cuts to save an estimated $25 billion, which we all know is terribly optimistic, and in no way begins to compare to the $1 trillion he has already added to the deficit.  Do you have any idea what that actually costs the taxpayers after calculating the interest we will pay on the additional spending?

Alright, I cannot go on any further.  I listened to the President attempt to revive his socialistic ideology, refusing to recognize that America is rejecting it.  So, I will take the opportunity here to explain a few points the President and Congress need to figure out, according to me.  Then he can get back to us about truly moving the country forward.

  • This President has increased the deficit by over $1 trillion, and until he assumes absolute transparency, and details how he intends to make his plans work, he is simply trying to spend America into a form of socialism.  If you truly want to help America recover, cut taxes, stop irresponsible, unconstitutional spending, and get out of the way.  Other than that, it is not your job.
  • The President still wants Socialized Health Care and views the recent rejection of it as a “political kink”, just a minor setback.  The fact is, most Americans agree that we need Health Care Reform.  We want affordability, accessibility, transportability, and a true referendum on Tort Reform.  What we do not want is government involvement.  Legislate these four issues, and leave it alone.  Quit trying to use our Health Care as another way to usurp our liberty and assert control.  We are NOT having any part of it.
  • He claims he is persistently trying to keep our country secure from terrorism, while in practice he is behind giving terrorists the protection of Miranda Rights after failed attacks on our citizens.
  • The President claims to support our military, yet he dragged his feet in authorizing additional troops to reinforce those deployed in Afghanistan.

The President does not support our military.  He sees the military as a “social experiment”.  You want proof?  The President said he wants Congress to repeal the law banning openly gay military service.  Anyone who understands the military knows the military is a fighting force, in place to protect our country.  There is no place for open homosexuality within the ranks, just as there is no place for heterosexuality in the military.  The military is NOT a social experiment, it is a protective service provided for the defense of the country.

Now he wants First Lady Michelle Obama along with Jill Biden to forge a national commitment to military families.  The fact that they are to “forge” this commitment identifies it is a new concept to the President.

Most of America has always been committed to our military.  What we want from the Commander in Chief is a clear and definite purpose for the mission he sends our military to accomplish, what constitutes victory, how he intends to be victorious with the least cost of American Lives possible, maintaining an allegiance to those being sent to face a declared enemy, instead of appearing to protect the enemy.

  • The President is quick to announce his willingness to work with other countries through the United Nations.  This makes sense due to his obvious support of subjecting America, and our citizens, to a form of “Global Authority”, regarding environmental policy, thus diminishing our sovereignty as a nation.  What will it take to convince this President that the policies being bantered about, at the UN, are proposals to punish America for our exceptionalism?

What this President, and the Liberals in Congress fail to understand, is that America is truly a sovereign nation of great People.  What makes us great is that we all believe in a common belief, Individual Freedom, established by the Declaration of Independence, and protected by the Constitution of the United States.

America is suffering today, because too few politicians read the Constitution for what it actually says, and instead read it for what they want it to say, or pervert it into something other than that which it was intended.  Modern politicians believe they are elected to legislate “one size fits all solutions” to every issue known to man, while the Constitution was implemented to limit Government to very specific functions.

If the President, and Congress alike, truly want America to succeed, might I suggest they read our founding documents, understand them for what they say, and do it.  Pretty simple, actually.

Globalization of our Nation

June 17, 2009

As I proclaimed previously in “Cash for Clunkers”, the creation of Government Motors has firmly placed the Government in bed with the United Auto Workers (UAW).

The UAW still has a labor contract with Chrysler, who was bought out by FIAT. The Italian Government subsidizes FIAT, to offset the taxes paid from the sales of FIAT’s products in the U.S.

Just one big, happy, global, auto industry family, and you and I, the Taxpayers, are on the hook to pay for the wedding. Gee, not only did we not get a piece of cake, we were never invited to the wedding. No, we were never even consulted about the new arrangements of intimacy.

Then too, we cannot forget to add our new “Dutch Uncle”, the Chinese, to the equation. The Chinese will not be reduced to eating leftovers after becoming the single largest holder of American debt. Now that the Chinese have bought the Hummer line from GM, you can bet they will play heavily in the final formula.

I believe you are beginning to get the picture. President Obama is taking drastic steps to globalize our market. The creation of a partnership between the Labor Union and the Government is a major step toward Socialism. The UAW is acting as the modern day proletariat, as described by Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto.

The UAW, as the modern day proletariat, will now have direct access to influencing policy and increasing their funding, by tapping into tax money. On the other hand, the Government will have a way to launder money through the auto industry, and the UAW, into political war chests, to finance the campaigns of their favorite liberal stool pigeons.

Upon further review, there is the little matter of “conflict of interest” on the part of the UAW. The UAW is still contracted to provide labor to Chrysler, now owned by a foreign carmaker, while at the same time being part owner of a domestic carmaker. I cannot help but wonder how much influence the Italian Government will have in our Government through a proxy relationship, using FIAT and the UAW as a conduit.

Now doesn’t that make for a nice, cozy little package? But, hey! If we play our cards right, this comfy little arrangement could put us in line for a membership in the European Union.

As for our new “Dutch Uncle” from China, of course, because they own so much of our debt, we will be told that we must enter into a free trade agreement with them. Then they will have a market for those fuel efficient Hummer’s. You know, the SUV’s the Government keeps claiming nobody wants to purchase.

This is starting to look a lot like a solidification of “Global Citizenry”, or more commonly known as “One World Government”. Do you think that is a stretch? Then argue the points I have made.

While you are at it, try to explain what constitutional role we play in a “Global Justice” effort, using our military as an “International Police Agency” instead of the highly trained fighting force of our nation. Try to rationalize why we are sending FBI agents to Afghanistan to read Miranda Rights to captured “enemy combatants”, before CIA agents can question them, thus extending the Constitutional Rights of American citizens to the people of other nations.

Did I mention that these individuals are “enemy combatants”, caught on the battlefield? The policy, quietly adopted by President Obama, seeks to protect those who actively target U.S. military personnel, and citizens, in attempts to harm and kill us.

What is next? I wonder how long before we attempt to concede more sovereignty to the United Nations. That could begin to pave the way to extend voting privileges to Castro, Kim Jong-il, or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Or, maybe we can release the detainees at Guantanamo Bay and have them create a Jihadist Party and a Hamas Party to vie for political power against the Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

As I claimed in “Just an Average American”, I will attempt to provoke thought. Think about my comments here. As troubling as it sounds, it makes sense.

Think about the actions and proclamations of President Obama in his short tenure in the Oval Office. He has travelled the globe, apologizing for America’s exceptionalism, admonishing our standards of living, and condemning our past foreign policies. According to that which Barack Obama preaches, America is a portrayed as a cancer to the rest of the world, and the President alone has the cure. His policies of reaching out to empower and appease our adversaries and the endless degradation of America are the answers he proposes.

Let me give you a news flash. France and Spain tried this method of achieving peace. They were bombed for their trouble, demonstrating that their practice of appeasement was an exercise of futility. Maybe, then State Senator Obama, was too busy studying and perfecting the implementation of Saul Alinsky’s radical teachings, to pay attention to the unfolding real life events.

Then again, Barack Obama is not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to learning lessons from History. After all, the President espoused the belief that the Constitution of the United States is a list of “negative rights”. He went on to express, and I paraphrase, the Founders only mandated the restrictions of Government, they failed to express what Government is supposed to do for the people.

In my opinion, this is the most troubling public statement Barack Obama has ever made. As a graduate of Harvard, and a Constitutional Professor, he should understand, better than most, that the Founders intentionally set out to limit the authorities and power of the Government. They believed that authority and power should be reserved to the people and the States, respectively.

In his mind, instead of being elected into an office of servitude, Barack Obama has succeeded in his bid for power through the mantra of “Hope and Change”. Now he fully intends to push our nation in a direction it was never intended. He is adopting policies of socialism, at the cost of individual liberty and responsibility. He works tirelessly toward the induction of our exceptional nation into the mediocrity of globalization. In doing so, he attempts to reduce the greatness of liberty and freedom, to the oppression of a socialized, tyrannical dictatorship.

If you still think that is a stretch, think about the power President Obama has already seized for the Government. We now know that the banks were forced into the financial bailout, and that they were repudiated when they attempted to return the bailout money. We also know that a large amount of the bailout money for the financial industry went to foreign owned banks.

We have watched President Obama lead the way for a hostile Government takeover of the auto industry; farming pieces of it out to foreign ownership. He espouses support of failed energy policies, restricting domestic production of energy sources and forcing our dependence on foreign entities.

He marches lockstep in supporting the vilification of the corporate world, consistently attempting to persuade people to vacate “Corporate America”. He preaches that greedy CEO’s make too much money, and therefore require “Government imposed salary caps”. What’s next, more Government ownership?

Maybe the President does not understand that part of our country’s greatness depends on our industrialization, which by the way is profit driven. Conversely, could he be setting the stage to sell corporate ownership to foreign interests, as a means to promote further globalization?

In short, the examples are numerous and the evidence is clear; you only need to look past the sycophant media spin to see that all indicators point to our being led into a socialistic state.

I for one, appreciate my liberty and freedom, and my right of self-governance. I revel in the opportunity to make the best of myself, without limitations placed on me, through the process of rulership. I reject any individual that would pervert the standards and values of my nation, and any efforts to devalue that, for which so many have fought and died. I know what America is, and what it represents, and oppose any who attempt to redefine it.

There you have it. I leave no questions as to what I believe, or where I stand. What do you think? Are you American enough to stand with me, “just an average American”, in support of individual freedom and liberty, and oppose the socialization of our nation? Are you willing to stop the induction of our country into a doctrine of globalization, under which we would become just another member state of a “One World Government”?

Step back from your party affiliations and the rhetoric. Try to personalize the events of our nation, as if the events were limited to your life, your household, within your community, and the neighboring communities. Look at what is happening and what has already transpired. Understand the implications, and the consequences of current events.

Are we, as a nation, protecting individual liberty and freedom? Are we promoting self-governance, and personal responsibility? Are we preserving the vision of our Founders? Or, as a people, are we allowing the government to lead us into a state of dependency? Are those we elected, attempting a form of tyranny? Worse yet, are they conceding our sovereignty?

You decide. Do you want to be part of an independent nation based on liberty and freedom? Or, would you rather become a “citizen of the world” and therefore reduce our nation’s status to that of a simple, socialistic member state of the world?

Think about it.